Like every roof type, asphalt shingle roofs have managed to acquire their own myths and misconceptions. Some of these can either turn off a potential buyer.
In this post, WABO Roofing discusses the common myths and misconceptions surrounding asphalt shingle roofs.
Asphalt Shingles Are Made With Asbestos – This myth is actually partially correct as fire safety codes demand roofing materials have a certain fire resistance level. In the old days, manufacturers used asbestos fibers in their shingles’ reinforcement to increase fire resistance. However, asbestos-containing shingles were phased out in the 1960s and were replaced with safer fire-resistant materials.
Nail Guns vs. Hand Nailing – There’s been some debate over whether using nail guns or hand nailing with a hammer is better for your roof replacement. Some say pneumatic equipment are prone to crooked installations, but current equipment actually uses the same nail geometry hand nailing does. Using either should suffice for your roofing job so long as the contractor takes care to put them in the right position.
Shingle Sealant Works Immediately – Shingle sealants aren’t peel-and-stick materials. They actually need sufficient solar warmth in order to be activated. How long that will take depends on various factors, such as location, direction, roof slope and weather conditions. That makes giving an exact time impossible. However, it’s guaranteed they will eventually seal and provide good wind resistance.
Roof Repairs Will Be Impossible When Shingles Have Been Installed and Sealed Together – While a sealant can do a good job sealing the shingles together, you can remove the bond with a flat bar. This is easier during cooler days. Once that’s done, the nails can be removed, and you can continue on with any necessary adjustment or repair needed.
Cooling Costs Will Rise With Dark-Colored Shingles – While darker shingles become warmer during sunny days, this doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll get higher home cooling costs. This is because of your attic and the insulation layers on its floor. Attic spaces are usually vented, allowing the reduction of heat transfer from the roof to your living space.
Get the best roofer to work on your roof this spring; turn to WABO Roofing for your roofing needs. We are your number one provider of roofing maintenance and siding installation. Give us a call at (832) 304-2800, or fill out our contact form to request a free inspection. We serve homeowners in Cypress, Houston and other nearby areas..