Can You Assist With Roof Decking Repairs or Replacements?

The wooden planks that make up your roof’s framing are known as roof decking. Your roofing shingles and other materials are installed on these boards. Roof decking is essential because a roof needs a solid foundation to support it. When designing a structural roof deck, several factors need to be considered, including thermal performance, fire resistance, the right slope for drainage, and wind uplift performance. To create a sturdy foundation for your roof, all of these factors must be taken into account. The roof decks must be constructed in a way that allows for building movement.

Considering that all materials used in the construction of a home deteriorate and get damaged over years, even your roof decking will, at some point, require repairs or even replacement. This calls for a professional roofing company like WABO Roofing. We perform professional inspections for your roof decking to determine any damages and then proceed with the repair or replacement. Here are some details that every homeowner should know about roof decking:

How Many Years Does Roof Decking Last?

How Many Years Does Roof Decking Last

Generally, a roof deck will last between 20 and 30 years. This time period will be different for each one as there are many factors that impact it, including the quality of materials used, the way of construction, maintenance, etc.

A professional roofer like us can help you prioritize maintenance and determine when a replacement might be required with regular inspections.

We can also identify any existing damage and suggest additional repairs before serious problems develop. Routine inspections can extend the life of your roof deck and maintain the security of your home.

Look Out for These Signs for Roof Repair or Replacement

Sagged Roofline

Sagged Roofline

A sagging or uneven roofline indicates possible structural damage to the roof. To fix this problem, it is necessary to identify the underlying causes, including termite infestations, weakened roof supports, or excessive weight from snow accumulation. Fixing the structural issue frequently entails reinforcing or replacing damaged roof decking sections to restore the structural integrity of the roof.

Mildew or Mould in the Attic

Consequences of moisture infiltration from a damaged roof include the presence of mould or mildew in the attic. The first step to approach in terms of repair is to deal with the mould problem – it should be done through a professional approach. Also, it is critical to identify and address the moisture source, which frequently involves repairing or replacing a portion of the roof decking. If the decking has sustained significant damage, it may need to be replaced completely or partially to maintain a dry and sturdy attic space.

Damage Around Flashing or Chimneys

If there are any signs of damage around your chimneys or flashing, then there are potential water intrusion points, which, if ignored, could result in bigger problems. It is best to seek the advice of a local roofing expert, like WABO Roofing, for a thorough inspection and any required repairs as soon as you notice damage in these areas. Flashing and chimney issues should be found and fixed immediately to stop further damage to your roofing system and the interior of your home.

Roof Holes, Punctures, or Gaps

Roof Holes, Punctures, or Gaps

Storm damage, falling objects, snow, rain, general wear and tear, and a few other factors can all lead to punctures, holes, and gaps in the roof. To stop further water infiltration, repairs typically involve patching or sealing the holes in the roof decking. To ensure a safe and watertight surface, it may be necessary to replace some roof decking if the damage is severe.

Damp Decking that is Soft to the Touch

When the decking is wet and soft to the touch, it means that the moisture has infiltrated and weakened the structural integrity of the roof. This problem needs to be fixed by locating the source of the moisture and any similar action that may be required. To ensure the safety and longevity of the roof in situations where the decking is severely weakened or damaged, it might be necessary to replace the affected sections, and in extreme cases, the entire roof decking may also have to be replaced.

Water Stains on Walls and Ceilings

The presence of water stains inside your home is an obvious sign of a serious roof leak. You must call us for a professional inspection. We will locate and identify the source of the leak, which may require inspecting the flashing and surface of the roof. Once the cause has been identified, the repairs should replace any damaged roof decking and fix any damaged roof materials, such as shingles or underlayment. In some situations, when the damage is severe, a larger portion or the entire roof decking may need to be replaced.

Discoloured Decking

Discoloured Decking

The roof decking’s discolouration could be a sign of water damage. To determine the extent of the damage, the discoloured areas must first be carefully inspected. Depending on the severity, repairs might involve replacing the affected decking sections to guarantee the roof’s structural stability. To stop further deterioration and maintain the overall integrity of the roof, a professional roofing company like WABO Roofing must take care of the issue.

If you notice two or more of these signs, your roof probably needs to be replaced because it is nearing the end of its lifespan. Prioritizing the replacement of the roof decking before moving forward with installing a new roofing system is essential in such cases. You must get in touch with us to perform a thorough assessment and determine whether this course of action is required.

Call the Professionals to do the Job

WABO Roofing uses advanced inspection methods to identify any problems with your roof decking. To locate any damages, our knowledgeable professionals conduct thorough assessments. To maintain the longevity and structural integrity of your roof, we provide comprehensive repair and replacement services.

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