How Do You Handle Roof Flashing Issues?

It’s difficult to think of a more important feature of your house than the roof. It keeps all the materials used to build your house dry, and–equally as crucial–keeps you safe and protected from the weather. A functioning roof minimizes the risk of anything rotting or wearing out and minimizes the need for repairs. One way to ensure your roof is as sturdy and long-lasting as possible is to maintain roof flashing, one of the most important parts of your roof system. It is often advisable to go the safe route and contact a local roofing contractor to assist you. Before we discuss how important roof flashing is and we can handle roof flashing issues, you can visit this link if you have an immediate roof repair concern.

What Is Roof Flashing?

What Is Roof Flashing

Roof flashing is the protective metal tie-in material used on houses and other construction projects to stop water damage from happening. There are many different kinds available, including galvanized steel, aluminum, copper, lead, and PVC. Roof flashing fills gaps left by the installation of chimneys and vents, seals edges between walls and roofs, and provides extra protection in these vulnerable places. It is employed whenever two building components are joined on your roof in order to guarantee that they are waterproof and resistant to wind and other weather-related damage.

What Signs Indicate Flashing Damage?

Now that we’ve talked about the importance of roof flashing in your home, let’s get familiar with the common problems that can arise. Understanding and recognizing problems common to areas like Houston or Cypress will allow you to schedule your maintenance quickly so that you can minimize damage.


Even if a roof flashing has a galvanized covering, it might still rust with time. Rusted roof flashing won’t be able to stop water from penetrating the roof’s structural elements. It would need to be cleaned, sealed, or replaced.


A tiny hole is all that is needed for water to sneak under roofing shingles. Weather and small animals are among a variety of forces that may puncture your roof with tiny holes that could allow water to enter. Roof flashing with even small holes in them can be a major problem.

Dents & Cracks


Roof flashings may also have dents or cracks in them. These are indications that the integrity of your flashing might not be as strong as it once was. Roof flashings typically have a lifespan of 25 years, but this time frame can vary depending on maintenance and the weather.  Dents and cracks can easily lead to full-on holes or corrosion if they are ignored.

Lost Parts

The loss of some elements of the roof flashing is another frequent issue, usually brought on by strong winds and improper installation. When you notice missing parts, you should fix or replace them right away. A regular program for roof care may assist in noticing missing pieces and acting quickly to avoid significant damage.


The flashing on the roof may possibly have mold or stains. Molds can develop, draw insects and other pests, and can harm the flashing on your roof if neglected for long periods of time. Always inspect your roof and remove any wet leaves or branches that could encourage the spread of mold.

How To Repair A Roof Flashing?

Repairs for roof flashing vary based on the nature of the problem and the extent of the damage. Here are some fundamental repair procedures that a roofer is likely to carry out:

Remove Shingles Around Roof Flashing

Remove Shingles Around Roof Flashing

The shingles covering the roof flashing must be entirely removed in order to reach it. Reaching the flashing base while navigating the shingles is not possible. Because it is simple to unintentionally harm shingles when attempting to remove them, this task is best left to a qualified roofer.

Address Minor Repairs

Roof flashing can develop corrosion from time to time and develop tiny holes. A roofer will prepare the area surrounding the holes so a patch can be readily applied. The roofer will then cover the hole with a patch made of flashing material before cementing it in place. In order to ensure waterproofing, more cement will be put to the top and edges. If it is severely rusting, the flashing will need more than just minor repairs.

Remove All Fastening Components

The roof flashing needs to be removed first, along with any roofing mortar or caulk that holds it in place. This is delicate work, and, if you’re not careful, it’s simple to damage the roof accidentally. A roofer will need to carefully chisel away this material in order to protect the integrity of the roof. After the mortar is removed, the flashing can be pried off the roof and thrown away.

Reinstall Shingles And Add New Roof Flashing

At this point in the process, you are ready to install new roof flashing. In order to make sure it is waterproof, it should be hammered down firmly and sealed meticulously at every edge. Nails should be covered with roofing cement to prevent accidental leaks. Shingles can be reinstated once the roof flashing is secured and watertight.

Can You Repair Your Roof Flashing?

Although some of these fixes may seem easy enough for you to handle on your own, we strongly advise against it. Roof flashing is challenging to install, and proper repair requires a thorough understanding of how roofs function. Roof damage from wind and water can result from improper roof flashing repair. In order to know what you’re getting into, it’s always a good idea to educate yourself on home repair, but roof flashing repairs are not a good DIY project. Our advise? Only trust an expert roofer with training and expertise to do these repairs.

Fix Roof Flashing Issue With WABO Roofing

Fix Roof Flashing Issue With WABO Roofing

Roof flashing is a small but crucial part of your property. Knowing how to fix roof flashing now will let you keep your roof in good condition. But we would be remiss if we didn’t communicate the risks of attempting amateur roofing projects. If you decide to have the roof flashing checked by an expert, make an appointment with our roofers. You’ll be happy you did.

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