While your roofing system protects your home from extreme weather conditions, it’s not exactly invulnerable to these same harsh elements. Problems may arise, compromising your roof’s life and performance. Should you notice any issues with the system, make sure to invest promptly in the necessary repairs. Here are some of the common reasons to have your roof repaired immediately.

1. Pooling Water
While this problem is more common on flat roofs, even steeply pitched ones can be affected by pooling water, especially when the system doesn’t have a proper draining spot. Water can pool on the surface of the roof when it rains. This can weaken the roofing material and encourage water infiltration. You’ll want to have the roof’s slope and drainage area inspected by a trusted local roofer to determine the appropriate fix.
2. Roof Leak
A roof leak is a minor issue that becomes more problematic over time. When left unattended, a leak can leave your home vulnerable to serious water damage. It typically forms in the more susceptible areas of the system, including the area around chimneys, skylights, dormers, vent pipes and valleys. WABO Roofing Systems can help you deal with this issue. We specialize in professional roof repairs. With our trained and experienced crew, we’ll restore your roof to rights and extend its service life.
3. Damaged Shingles
It’s crucial to have your roof inspected and repaired following a major weather event. Here’s why: large hailstones and wind-blown debris can leave dents, punctures and holes on your roof upon impact while high winds can slip under your shingles, loosen them and tear them off. Over time, the damage to your roof will create massive leaks that lead to property loss, allow for mold and rot (which may compromise the roof structure) and even result in early roof replacement.
Looking for a reliable roof construction company? Just turn to WABO Roofing Systems. With our top-tier solutions, we’ll make sure your roof can continue providing the superior weather performance you expect. We serve the areas in and around Pearland and Houston, TX. Call us today at (832) 304-2800, or fill out this contact form to schedule your consultation.